The video explores the new Microsoft Surface laptop, which features a Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite chip, making it an ARM-based device. The reviewer discusses the laptop's impressive battery life and overall performance, but also highlights the challenges of app compatibility with Windows on ARM.
4194236 4 месяца назад 10:30This video explores the IBM ThinkPad 701C, a 1995 subnotebook known for its unique "Butterfly Keyboard" that folds away for portability. The video delves into the history of the keyboard's invention, the 701C's specifications, and its place in the history of computing.
933456 6 лет назад 13:03The video explores the latest Windows laptops with chips from Intel, AMD, and Qualcomm, comparing them to Apple's M-series chips. The creator tests three high-end laptops for battery life, performance, and thermals, finding that all three chipmakers have made significant progress in efficiency and performance. The video concludes with a discussion of the pros and cons of each laptop and a recommendation for a new backpack.
202480 1 месяц назад 11:48