This video features a review of the E-Flite Conscendo Evolution 1.5m powered glider. The reviewer is impressed by the glider's speed and maneuverability, despite its seemingly docile appearance. The video showcases the glider's capabilities in both slow and fast flight, highlighting its versatility for pilots of all skill levels.
9916 1 год назад 23:13The video documents the first flight of a new sport glider, the E-flite Conscendo Evolution. The pilot is excited about the glider's performance, particularly its glide speed and controllability. They plan to fly it again with a 4S battery to explore its full potential.
1151 2 года назад 6:22Какая мощь в 4S LIPO! Уии!!! Высокопроизводительный спортивный планер Conscendo Evolution с размахом крыльев 1,5 м Получите ...
2404 2 года назад 21:36