This video demonstrates a product called Freeze Off, which is a refrigerant that helps loosen rusted bolts. The presenter shows how the product works by applying it to a rusty brake bleed valve that has been sitting outside for years. The presenter emphasizes that Freeze Off is a safer alternative to using a torch, which can damage sensitive components.
110551 7 месяцев назад 1:27This video tests the effectiveness of CRC Freeze-Off Super Penetrant by measuring its temperature change. The tester uses a multimeter to measure the temperature of a probe before and after spraying it with Freeze-Off, demonstrating that the product does indeed cool the probe below freezing. The video then compares this to the temperature change of a probe sprayed with PB Blaster, showing that the cooling effect is specific to Freeze-Off.
16606 5 лет назад 4:40CRC Freeze Off Super Penetrant is a new product that uses freeze shock technology to break through corrosion. This innovative product combines a superior penetrant with a quick chilling action to loosen seized fasteners and components. The video highlights its effectiveness in various applications, including automotive, plumbing, and recreational uses.
98120 15 лет назад 2:11This video is a product review of Freeze-Off, a penetrating fluid. The reviewer highlights how Freeze-Off has helped them in various situations, particularly when dealing with rusted nuts and bolts. They emphasize its quick action and effectiveness in breaking down rust, making it a valuable tool for mechanics and DIY enthusiasts.
10934 9 лет назад 3:48