The video shows a person opening a package of HRB batteries for a Traxxas RC car. They are excited to have received three batteries instead of the two they ordered. The person then demonstrates how to charge the batteries using a Traxxas Easy Peak charger and tests them out on their E-Revo RC car.
9022 2 года назад 7:05The video shows the unboxing of two HRB Graphene batteries. The unboxer is excited about the batteries and their features, including the carbon fiber shrink wrap and the magnet cover. They check the batteries on a charger to ensure they are in good condition before testing them later.
2394 4 года назад 3:52This video discusses common mistakes people make when using LiPo batteries in the RC hobby. The video covers topics such as using adapters, mismatched batteries, hot charging, storage charging, leaving batteries plugged in, and storing batteries in unsuitable environments. The video also emphasizes the importance of inspecting batteries regularly and avoiding fully charging batteries without using them.
81994 1 год назад 8:34This video compares two popular lipo batteries for the Proboat UL-19: SMC DV Extreme and Z Power Premium. The host tests the batteries for speed, runtime, and temperature, using the same setup for both. The video includes detailed observations and measurements, allowing viewers to see the differences in performance between the two batteries.
8714 2 года назад 13:58