This video explores a Belgian-made Russian Nagant 1895 revolver. The video focuses on the revolver's unique features, including its single-action-only design and its gas-sealed cylinder. The video also discusses the revolver's weight, length, and how it feels in the hand.
29054 3 месяца назад 1:01This video explores the history of the Brazilian Navy Nagant revolver, a unique firearm adopted by Brazil in the late 19th century. The video delves into the story of how the Brazilian government ended up with Nagant revolvers instead of the Mauser revolvers they initially intended to purchase, and the interesting connection between the Nagant's .44 Henry caliber and the Winchester lever-action rifles used by Brazil at the time.
131274 4 года назад 7:50This video explores a rare and experimental Mosin-Nagant rifle with a folding bayonet. The rifle, known as the M44L, is an intermediate length between the standard Mosin-Nagant and the M44 carbine. The video examines the rifle's unique features, including its markings, construction, and bayonet mechanism, and discusses its historical significance and rarity.
144287 4 года назад 8:46This video explores a unique Polish-made Nagant revolver, the Ng30, which was manufactured for police and security forces. The video compares the Ng30 to the more common Russian Nagant, highlighting its higher quality and unique features. The video also provides information about the history of the Ng30 and its production in Poland.
107103 8 лет назад 4:36