This video follows a BMX rider through the streets of New York City. They use the Insta360 Go 2 camera to capture their ride, showcasing its versatility and durability. The rider explores various locations, including a new art installation with a launch ramp, Canal Street, and Times Square.
802204 3 года назад 13:41This video follows a BMX rider exploring London with a friend. They ride through the city, encountering other riders and enjoying the scenery. The video ends with a preview of an upcoming trip from London to New York City, promising an exciting adventure.
82616 1 год назад 10:34This video follows a BMX rider through the streets of New York City. The rider showcases different camera angles and perspectives, using a variety of Insta360 cameras. The video ends with a teaser for an upcoming trip to a warm location, promising more exciting content.
74112 2 года назад 11:00