This video follows an artist as they share their recent IKEA haul, focusing on storage and organization solutions for their art studio. The video highlights a variety of items, including new aprons, containers, pegboards, cork boards, frames, and trolleys, showcasing how they can be used to create a functional and inspiring workspace.
83716 5 месяцев назад 13:17The artist shares an update on their studio makeover, highlighting the importance of creating a comfortable and functional workspace. They discuss the process of rearranging furniture and organizing supplies, emphasizing the need for a peaceful and inspiring environment. The artist also reflects on the importance of community and sharing personal experiences, particularly regarding menopause.
32454 2 года назад 23:33The video follows a person as they begin to organize and decorate their art studio. They visit a hardware store to purchase materials for a new shelf and then begin to clear out the space to install it. The video ends with the person planning to paint the table and continue organizing the studio.
46320 2 года назад 19:04