На этот раз я посетил самый странный отель Henn na Hotel Asakusabashi, где гостей обслуживают роботы. Henn na в переводе с ...
2749063 2 года назад 18:11The video follows a person exploring a robot-run hotel in New York City. They interact with various robots, including a coffee-making robot and a food-serving robot, before investigating the hotel's main robot, Yobot, and its nighttime activities. The video explores the potential impact of robots on human jobs and the future of hospitality.
872332 1 год назад 8:01This video takes viewers on a tour of a futuristic hotel in Singapore. The hotel features robots that deliver amenities and even sing birthday songs. The video highlights the unique features of the hotel room, including an adjustable bed, a hidden safe, and a bathroom with a view.
1781455 3 года назад 23:11