This video follows a family of seven as they grocery shop for a week. The family shops at multiple stores, including a local butcher and a dairy farm, to get the best quality and prices. The video shows the family's grocery haul and how much they spend each week, which varies depending on their needs.
67103 1 месяц назад 14:01This video follows a mom of five as they go through their morning routine, which includes a run, a hot shower, and getting ready for the day. The video also includes a discussion about the mom's experience with Leviticus and how it has impacted their perspective on women's roles.
54175 1 месяц назад 16:14This video provides a beginner-friendly guide to sourdough starter maintenance, including feeding, discard, and how to tell when it's ready to use. The creator shares their personal experience with sourdough and how it improved their health, along with tips for using discard and a simple recipe for a quick sourdough pancake.
111729 1 год назад 12:20