Приходите и присоединяйтесь ко мне, когда я познакомлю вас с моим новым домом здесь, в Великобритании. Отказ от ...
4126 3 года назад 8:11This vlog follows a UKRN's day off after a long week of work. They start with a gym session, followed by grocery shopping and laundry. The video includes glimpses of their life in the UK, including their plans for travel and a discussion about Apple products. The day concludes with a simple dinner and a reflection on their busy schedule.
1865 2 года назад 25:58This vlog follows a person living in the UK and sharing their experience. They discuss the cost of their shared accommodation, which is a five-bedroom house with seven other housemates. The person also mentions that they plan to share their grocery shopping experience in a future vlog.
21153 3 года назад 8:11