The video follows a day in the life of a content creator, starting with a Starbucks run and a visit to Target. They share their daily routine, including getting ready, trying out new products, and spending time with friends. The video ends with the creator preparing for bed and editing the vlog.
2390874 1 год назад 10:44This vlog follows a student preparing for a final exam. They share their study routine, including using a new browser, visiting a library, and working from a coffee shop. They also discuss their anxieties and self-care strategies for managing exam stress.
164691 5 дней назад 12:44This vlog follows a day in the life of a creator living in New York City. The creator explores the city, runs into friends, and makes a big purchase. The video ends with the creator reflecting on the joys of living in New York and the challenges and rewards of their career transition.
1558188 8 месяцев назад 13:38The video follows a day in the life of a student, showcasing their work at a pharmacy, desk organization, and studying. They share their struggles with maintaining a consistent routine and offer advice on self-compassion. The video also features a visit to a friend's white coat ceremony and a trip to a matcha cafe.
358737 1 месяц назад 14:43This vlog follows a Japanese university student through their day, from waking up to going to class and having lunch. They share their routine, including their unique lunchbox preparation and their thoughts on their quiet college life. The video also showcases the beauty of their city and the student's appreciation for everyday moments.
2306882 1 месяц назад 16:19