This video compares the Antutu benchmark scores of several iPhones after updating to iOS 16. The iPhones tested include the iPhone X, XR, XS, XS Max, 11, 12, and 11 Pro, each with different chipsets. The video highlights the performance differences between these models and reveals which phone achieves the highest benchmark score.
137674 2 года назад 6:31This video compares the performance of iOS 15 and iOS 16 on various iPhone models using the Antutu benchmark test. The creator tests the performance of each model on both operating systems and then compares the results. They note that the difference in performance between the two operating systems is significant, particularly on the iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11.
19877 2 года назад 4:53This video compares the performance of several iPhones, from the iPhone 8 Plus to the iPhone 12, after updating to iOS 16.1. Using the Antutu benchmark test, the video examines the CPU, GPU, and storage performance of each device, revealing which phone achieves the highest score.
17338 2 года назад 5:27This video compares the performance of iOS 17 and iOS 16 on various iPhone models using the Antutu benchmark test. The creator tests the same iPhone models on both operating systems to see if there is a noticeable difference in performance. The video concludes with a comparison of the benchmark scores, leaving the viewer to discover the results for themself.
27419 1 год назад 5:00This video compares the performance of iOS 17 and iOS 16 on various iPhone models, from the XR to the 14 Pro Max. The creator runs benchmark tests to see if there are any noticeable differences in performance between the two operating systems. They then discuss the results and offer their opinion on whether or not users should update to iOS 17.
40304 1 год назад 5:15This video compares the speed of an iPhone XS Max and an iPhone 11 after updating to iOS 16.0.2. The video tests the phones' performance in various tasks, including booting up, opening apps, and playing games. The results are then analyzed to determine which phone is better for gaming and everyday use.
35764 2 года назад 4:43This video compares the speed of three iPhones: the iPhone 11, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR, after they've been updated to iOS 16. The video includes tests like boot-up time, video rendering, and gaming performance. The results are surprising, and the video explores which phone comes out on top.
98606 2 года назад 5:35