The video follows a ham radio enthusiast as they say goodbye to their Xiegu G90, a radio that has been with them on many adventures. They discuss the pros and cons of the G90 and reveal their decision to replace it with a brand new G90. The video promises to show the new radio and discuss its features.
35469 2 месяца назад 8:43This video explores the Xiegu G90 radio, focusing on its CW capabilities. The presenter discusses how to optimize the radio for CW, including adjusting the pitch, filter bandwidth, and AGC settings. They also highlight the importance of proper spacing between words and letters when sending CW.
101008 1 год назад 17:21The video discusses the Xiegu G90 radio, specifically addressing whether it's suitable for beginners. The speaker argues that while the price is beginner-friendly, the radio's raw output and need for extensive tweaking may discourage new hams. They suggest that beginners might find the radio frustrating and potentially give up on the hobby.
6277 1 год назад 3:11This video demonstrates the antenna tuning features of the Xiegu G90 radio. The video shows how to use the built-in tuner and analyzer to check the status of an antenna and tune it for optimal performance. The video also explains how to arm the tuner and how to use the long-press function to initiate the tuning process.
7068 3 года назад 2:35