A family prepares for Raksha Bandhan, a festival celebrating the bond between siblings. They go shopping for traditional outfits and gifts, with the father facing the challenge of finding the perfect present for their sister. The video ends with the family preparing for the festivities, leaving the outcome of their shopping trip and the gifts they choose a mystery.
3386847 4 месяца назад 12:08A family is renovating their home, with painting and furniture work underway. The children document the process with vlogs, capturing the chaos and humor of the situation. The family faces challenges like termite infestations and a messy house, but they find ways to adapt and enjoy the experience.
4982019 6 месяцев назад 14:56Two children compete in a brand logo guessing game, with points awarded for correct answers and penalties for incorrect ones. The game features two rounds, with the first round focusing on logos with hidden names and the second round featuring plain logos. The children face a variety of logos, some easy and some challenging, as they strive to earn the most points.
2229147 2 недели назад 15:43