This video unboxes the Apple Vision Pro headset, showcasing its contents and accessories. The unboxing includes a detailed look at the headset, bands, battery, and travel case. The video ends with the first boot-up of the headset, setting the stage for future videos exploring its features and capabilities.
8772225 10 месяцев назад 19:06This video discusses the upcoming Apple Glasses, a lighter and potentially cheaper version of the Vision Pro. The video explores the potential features, specs, and release date of the Apple Glasses, comparing them to the Vision Pro and other AR devices. The video also includes a giveaway for a MacBook Air M2.
529152 10 месяцев назад 8:29Apple introduces eyeGlass, a new augmented reality smart glasses device. The glasses feature 5G connectivity, high-resolution cameras for photos and 360-degree video recording, and a long-lasting battery. EyeGlass uses AR technology to provide information about the environment, such as weather and directions.
106730 4 года назад 1:05