The video follows the unboxing of 142 Congo Tetras, a large order for a monster aquarium. The fish are quarantined to ensure their health and to allow them to grow before being introduced to the main tank. The video also shows the progress of other fish in the aquarium, including breeding pairs of South American cichlids.
60680 3 дня назад 14:38This video documents the building of a budget-friendly betta fish tank. The creator uses materials from previous tanks and repurposes them to create a beautiful and functional environment. They showcase the process of setting up the tank, including hardscaping, planting, and adding a filter.
60485 6 месяцев назад 11:01This video documents the process of building a new, larger, and improved low-tech aquarium. The creator details the steps involved in constructing the tank, including the hardscape, substrate, and filtration system. They also discuss the importance of using materials that are both aesthetically pleasing and beneficial for the inhabitants.
745507 1 год назад 13:24