This video follows the story of a Pontiac Fiero transformed into a track car. The owner, Steven Snider, explains the car's history and modifications, including a powerful V6 engine swap. The video then takes viewers to Button Willow Raceway, where the Fiero is put through its paces on the track.
228472 10 лет назад 3:49This video explores the top five reasons to swap a supercharged 3800 engine into a Pontiac Fiero. The presenter argues that the stock Fiero engines lack power and reliability, making the swap a worthwhile upgrade. They highlight the Fiero's mid-engine design, which makes it ideal for powerful acceleration, and the potential for a sleeper car build with the 3800 engine.
105685 3 года назад 6:45This video follows the journey of a supercharged 3800 Fiero as it attempts to break its personal best quarter-mile time. The owner details the modifications made to the car, including porting the supercharger and adjusting the shift points. The video culminates in a race against a C8 Corvette, showcasing the Fiero's performance against a much more expensive car.
92777 2 года назад 4:13This video documents the process of converting all exterior lights on a Pontiac Fiero to LEDs. The creator details the process of replacing each bulb, including the installation of sequential turn signals and the necessary resistors. They also address the need for a new flasher unit to accommodate the LED lights.
12990 1 год назад 11:17This video details every modification made to a supercharged 3800 engine and the Fiero it's installed in. The creator walks through each part, explaining its purpose and installation. The video concludes with a satisfying idle of the engine.
9839 2 года назад 8:49This video explores the history of the Pontiac Fiero GT, a mid-engine sports car that was released during a time of economic hardship. The video discusses the car's development, its unique features, and its impact on the automotive industry. The narrator also shares personal anecdotes and insights about the car's legacy.
34505 1 год назад 11:33