This video tests the scratch resistance of the new black titanium Apple Watch Ultra 2. The creator uses various tools, including a toothpick, a 223 Remington bullet, keys, and a Jerry Rig knife, to see how the watch holds up. The video also discusses the watch's water resistance and its overall durability.
1051594 2 месяца назад 5:14The video reviews the Apple Watch Series 10, highlighting its incremental upgrades over previous models. The reviewer discusses the new design, which is slightly thinner and lighter, and the larger display. They also explore the new features, such as the updated speaker, faster charging, and water temperature sensor.
3544097 2 месяца назад 8:46This video tests the durability of the new black Apple Watch Ultra 2 by dropping it, putting it in a pocket with keys, and comparing it to a silver Apple Watch Ultra 2 and a Garmin Phoenix 7x. The YouTuber performs these tests to see how the new black coating holds up in real-world scenarios.
235015 2 месяца назад 8:41