Aus! Ende! Vorbei Neuenburgersee! Wir wassern die Lailani aus und lassen Sie an den Rhein bringen. Petrus spielt jedoch nicht ...
0 26:49The video follows a journey back to De Klink, the home port, after a boating vacation. The trip starts in Harderwijk and includes a high-speed route through an aquaduct and a challenging passage through waves. The video ends with the arrival at De Klink, marking the end of the vacation.
12514 4 года назад 5:57This video follows a couple as they travel through Friesland by boat. They navigate narrow canals, encounter locks, and enjoy the beautiful scenery. The journey takes them through charming towns and secluded waterways, offering a glimpse into the unique beauty of Friesland.
256023 4 года назад 36:58The video follows a boat journey through the Netherlands, starting from Amsterdam and heading towards Spakenburg. The journey includes navigating locks, cruising at high speed on the Markermeer, and passing by various landmarks. The video ends with the boat arriving at Spakenburg, where they plan to stay for the night.
3481 4 года назад 7:32