The video reviews a new White's boot, the C-MP Stitchdown, which is a hybrid of the 50/50 and MP lasts. The reviewer discusses the boot's features, including the double-shot leather, stitchdown construction, and 50/50 last, and compares it to other White's boots. They also share their thoughts on the boot's quality control and sizing.
2669 7 месяцев назад 18:57The video showcases an unboxing and initial impressions of the White's MP-M1 boot in natural Chromexcel. The creator discusses the boot's features, including the day-night sole, hand-sewn construction, and structured toe. They also compare the boot to their MP Sherman in dark brown waxed flesh, highlighting the differences in last and sole.
2004 4 месяца назад 8:47The video features a review of White's Boots, specifically the semi-dress style. The reviewer discusses the features of the boots, including the double-stitched sole and customizable options. They also share their personal experience with the boots, including sizing and comfort.
3532 2 года назад 5:32