The video follows a cheerleader as they prepare for a competition. They get ready by putting on their uniform, curling their hair, and doing their makeup. They are waiting for their family to come home so they can get their hair braided for the competition.
5622465 5 лет назад 7:01The LeRoys travel to Palm Springs for a cheer competition. They experience some rainy weather but eventually find sunshine and enjoy time with friends. The video follows them as they prepare for the competition, including practice and makeup application.
117350 10 месяцев назад 18:10The video follows a cheer team as they prepare for their first competition of the season. The team reveals their new uniforms and gets ready for the big day. The video also includes a glimpse into the team's daily life, including their pre-competition rituals and their post-competition activities.
71721 2 недели назад 11:51