Mike Watson from VuDu Studios shares their experience with the Avantone Pro CLA-10A studio monitors, which are a recreation of the iconic NS10 speakers. They highlight the accuracy of the CLA-10As and how they handle both loud and soft volumes, making them ideal for mixing and mastering. Watson emphasizes the importance of listening at lower volumes for detail and accuracy, and how the CLA-10As translate well to different listening environments.
9330 4 года назад 2:00This video features the release of the powered versions of the popular CLA-10 studio monitors. The video highlights the portability of the new active monitors and introduces the CLA-200 power amp, designed for use with multiple speakers. The video also showcases the CLA-10A, the active version of the CLA-10, which is described as the "big brother" of the original passive monitors.
10839 6 лет назад 1:01