The video follows the story of a John Deere 40 combine harvester, purchased for less than $1,000. The owner shares their experiences using the combine over the years, including its restoration and their plans for the upcoming summer. They also tease a future video featuring a New Holland combine.
131063 7 месяцев назад 8:31This video showcases a John Deere C16F corn head harvesting corn in Southwest Indiana. The video highlights the corn head's features, including its 40-foot width, chopping capabilities, and folding mechanism. It also provides insights into the performance of the X9 1100 combine paired with the corn head.
11653249 2 года назад 17:17This video showcases a John Deere S7800 combine harvesting corn in Western Kentucky. The video provides a detailed look at the combine's specifications, features, and capabilities, including its powerful engine, large grain tank, and advanced technology. Viewers can also join a ride in the X9 cab to see the updated G5 Command Center.
119752 2 месяца назад 14:14