The video follows the story of a rider's journey with a CRF250L, from its initial purchase to its current status. The rider discusses the bike's strengths and weaknesses, as well as the evolution of their riding style and content creation. The video explores the reasons why they still own the bike despite owning other, more powerful motorcycles.
109991 3 года назад 18:42The video follows a rider's journey with their CRF250L motorcycle, showcasing modifications and wear and tear after 22,000 miles. The rider highlights key components like tires, chains, and sprockets, providing insights into their durability and maintenance needs.
22714 7 лет назад 5:00The video follows the owner of a new Honda CRF250L as they share their first impressions of the bike. They discuss the bike's features, including its weight, speed, and gearing, and highlight the reasons why they chose this model. The owner also plans to take the bike on some trail riding and shares their excitement for future adventures.
1269 4 года назад 11:11This video is a review of the 2017 Honda CRF250L, a popular dual-sport motorcycle. The reviewer shares their personal experience with the bike, discussing its strengths and weaknesses, including its performance on and off-road. They also discuss modifications they've made to the bike and how it performs as a daily commuter.
8397 5 лет назад 6:23