This video takes viewers inside a luxurious Tokyo home featuring a multi-million dollar garage. The owner, Goan, shares their impressive car collection, including a McLaren P1, Ferrari SF90, and Rolls-Royce Ghost, while showcasing the unique design elements of the house. The video explores the home's architecture, highlighting the blend of concrete and wood, and offers a glimpse into the owner's lifestyle.
183477 11 дней назад 27:56This video follows a car enthusiast as they build their dream home, featuring a garage that can fit up to eight cars. The homeowner worked with Farm Architects to create a space that caters to both their love of cars and their family's needs, resulting in a unique and functional design. The video highlights the homeowner's passion for car restoration and their desire to create a space where they can work on their projects and spend time with their family.
811378 5 месяцев назад 8:09