The video follows a fabric shopper's first visit to Liberty London, a renowned department store known for its extensive fabric selection. The shopper explores the store's fabric department, highlighting their favorite silks and cotton lawns, and then visits a nearby haberdashery shop, showcasing a wide array of trims and embellishments.
10463 1 год назад 10:36This video takes viewers on a shopping trip to Walthamstow Market, a mile-long market in Europe. The creator highlights several fabric and trim shops, showcasing the variety of materials available and the prices. The video ends with a detailed look at the creator's purchases and the total cost.
14160 1 год назад 14:43The video follows a person as they shop for fabric at Liberty London, a renowned fabric store. They browse a variety of fabrics, including silk, cotton, and lawn, and discuss their plans for sewing projects with the fabrics. The video ends with the person showing off their purchases and discussing their plans for sewing with them.
16422 1 год назад 22:11