The video explores the viability of a 2016 Samsung Gear VR headset in 2024. The creator purchased a used headset for $20 and tests its functionality with various phones and apps. They encounter some challenges with compatibility and account setup but find workarounds to enjoy VR experiences like web browsing, YouTube videos, and classic games.
440951 10 месяцев назад 12:43This video reviews the Samsung Gear VR, a virtual reality headset that uses a smartphone as its display. The reviewer discusses the headset's features, including its improved optics, fan for cooling, and micro USB pass-through. They also highlight the new Oculus app store and the headset's compatibility with a Bluetooth game controller.
45066 9 лет назад 3:19This video provides a simple solution to prevent the Oculus app from automatically launching when using a Samsung Gear VR headset. The solution involves using a piece of paper to block the connection between the adapter and the headset, allowing users to play Google Cardboard games or use other apps without Oculus interference. The process is easy to reverse, making it a convenient and effective workaround.
27500 5 лет назад 2:22The video shows the unboxing of a Samsung Gear VR headset. The creator, Josh, is excited to try it out and shares their initial impressions. They demonstrate how to set up the headset and discuss the necessary software downloads. The video ends with Josh expressing their enthusiasm for the VR experience and hinting at a future video with more details.
150977 8 лет назад 9:46