This video discusses the recent price increases of luxury handbags, particularly Bottega Veneta. The creator expresses concern about the rising cost of designer bags, questioning whether the quality justifies the price. They analyze the pricing of various Bottega Veneta bags and compare them to other luxury brands like Chanel, Louis Vuitton, and Hermes.
3370 2 года назад 12:15The video discusses the recent price increase of Hermes bags in Australia. The creator shares their observations about the price changes and how it might affect the secondhand market. They also discuss the potential impact on their own handbag collecting habits.
9707 11 месяцев назад 13:53The video features a luxury lover unboxing a gift from their partner. The unboxing is particularly exciting because the item was purchased before a recent price increase. The video includes details about the gift-giving process and the unboxer's thoughts on the brand.
1845 11 месяцев назад 11:20