The video follows a rider on a Honda Grom as they attempt to reach the bike's top speed. The rider, weighing 235 pounds with a backpack, is curious to see how their weight affects the bike's performance. They take the Grom onto a highway and test its speed on both level ground and a slight downhill.
213461 4 года назад 5:24The video follows a rider as they take their newly flashed Honda Grom for its first ride. They discuss the modifications they've made to the bike and how the ECU flash has improved its performance. The rider also shares their excitement about attending a Honda meet with a large group of other Grom riders.
46696 1 год назад 8:41This video tests the top speed of a Honda Grom on flat ground, uphill, and downhill. The rider explores the impact of rider position and wind conditions on the bike's performance, ultimately reaching a surprising top speed.
5351 1 год назад 6:05