A family in India has been crafting traditional pumpkin tanpuras for seven generations. The video follows the process of making these instruments, from sourcing the gourds to the final polishing. The family faces challenges from the rise of electronic tanpuras, but their dedication to the craft and the quality of their instruments keeps them going.
3359501 2 года назад 13:13This video features an instrument maker who uses unconventional methods to create stringed instruments. They discuss the use of carbon fiber to enhance the sound and performance of their instruments, challenging traditional approaches to instrument making. The maker emphasizes the importance of scientific principles and their own musical background in their innovative designs.
13789 5 лет назад 4:17A family in India has been crafting traditional pumpkin tanpuras for seven generations. The video follows the process of making these instruments, from sourcing the gourds to the final polishing. The family faces challenges from the rise of electronic tanpuras, but their dedication to the craft and the quality of their instruments keeps them going.
23133 2 года назад 13:13