This video explores the history of the Kawasaki Z1, a legendary motorcycle that was codenamed "New York Steak" during its development. The video delves into the design process, the bike's performance, and its impact on the motorcycle world, highlighting the Z1's significance as a powerful and influential machine.
165766 1 год назад 16:47The video explores the Kawasaki Z1, a classic motorcycle from the 1970s, and whether it's still a good bike to ride today. The narrator shares their experience riding a 1976 KZ900, highlighting its unique charm, design, and performance. The video also discusses the bike's history and technical specifications.
18213 1 год назад 11:29A mechanic is tasked with polishing a pristine Kawasaki Z1 900 for a show. The bike is in excellent condition, but the mechanic plans to give it a thorough polish and apply ceramic coating to protect it. The video shows the process of polishing the bike, including the chrome, aluminum, and plastics.
2189 1 год назад 5:52