Я уже некоторое время искал компактную храповую головку с приводом 3/8 дюйма. Посмотрите, как я беру в руки то, что мне нужно ...
17647 3 года назад 17:58Взгляните на наборы Кокен Рвение 3/8 и 1/4 в сравнении с другими.
12778 4 года назад 8:04The video explores the Koken ratchet, a Japanese-made tool that offers high quality at a surprisingly affordable price. The creator compares it to other popular ratchets, including Snap-on and Harbor Freight, highlighting its smooth operation, comfortable grip, and impressive back drag. The video concludes with a demonstration of the ratchet's functionality and a recommendation for viewers to consider it as a potential purchase.
15059 1 год назад 6:50This video showcases a large tool haul from Cen Tools USA. The creator highlights various tools, including ratchets, sockets, extensions, and a spark plug socket. They express excitement about the quality and design of the tools, particularly the nut grip sockets and wobble plus extensions.
4397 5 месяцев назад 3:34This video features a tour of the Koken booth at a trade show, highlighting new tools and exclusive releases. The host and a Koken representative discuss the features and benefits of new products, including nut grips, spark plug sockets, and a 72-tooth ratchet.
15050 1 год назад 6:37