The video explores the new Microsoft Surface laptop, which features a Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite chip, making it an ARM-based device. The reviewer discusses the laptop's impressive battery life and overall performance, but also highlights the challenges of app compatibility with Windows on ARM.
4187183 4 месяца назад 10:30This video explores the pros and cons of desktops and laptops, helping viewers decide which is right for them. The speaker discusses the advantages of desktops, such as better performance and upgradeability, and the advantages of laptops, such as portability and convenience. They also share their personal experience with both types of computers, highlighting the benefits and drawbacks of each.
78846 2 года назад 7:51This video compares a $1,700 gaming laptop to a $1,700 gaming PC. The video highlights the pros and cons of each, including performance, portability, and screen quality. The creator then tests both devices in a popular game to showcase their performance differences.
193828 9 месяцев назад 8:53