AMD has released a new chipset and processor, but they are very similar to last year's models. The new chipset offers some minor upgrades, like Thunderbolt 4 support and Wi-Fi 7, but the processor is essentially a refresh of the 7000 series with only a slight performance increase. The video suggests that users with existing AMD systems may not need to upgrade.
12036 6 месяцев назад 6:31The reviewer is disappointed with the MSI MAG Z790 Tomahawk Max WiFi motherboard due to subpar thermal paste and pads, which they discovered after removing the heat shields. They believe this is a widespread issue and advise potential buyers to avoid the board unless they are willing to replace the thermal materials. The reviewer also highlights other features of the board, such as its Wi-Fi 7 support and PCI 5.0 capabilities.
5336 3 месяца назад 16:43The video discusses a recent issue with ASUS motherboards, specifically the ROG Crosshair series, which are reportedly overvolting and damaging Ryzen processors. The video expresses concern about ASUS's response to the issue, including a beta BIOS that may not fully address the problem and the potential for warranty issues. The video advises viewers to avoid purchasing ROG Crosshair motherboards until the issue is resolved.
7720 1 год назад 5:51