Я так счастлив вернуться с видео из моей повседневной жизни здесь, на Севере. Сейчас февраль, и зима все еще в самом разгаре ...
2375899 2 года назад 38:50The video follows a person's journey to Abisko, Sweden, to film the "polar night" for a previous video. They encounter challenges with the weather, including a broken window in their studio and a frozen water pipe. The video also showcases the beauty of the winter landscape and the northern lights.
3806554 4 года назад 24:37The video follows a day in the life of a person living in Svalbard, a Norwegian archipelago near the North Pole. The day is cold and snowy, but the beauty of the Arctic landscape is evident. The person enjoys a leisurely breakfast and then takes their snowmobile and dog for a test drive, showcasing the stunning scenery and the unique challenges of living in such a remote location.
344485 1 год назад 14:11