The video follows the journey of repairing a faulty Sharp Zaurus, a Japanese-exclusive handheld computer running Linux. The creator faces challenges due to the device's age, language barrier, and the complexity of Linux. They attempt to fix the hard drive error and install a new operating system, encountering various obstacles along the way.
230961 7 месяцев назад 15:57This video documents the installation of a community-maintained 32-bit version of Arch Linux on a Panasonic Toughbook CFU1. The video follows the process of installing the operating system, including troubleshooting issues and configuring the device for use. The video highlights the unique challenges and quirks of working with this specific hardware.
55349 4 месяца назад 12:01This video discusses the Playtron OS, a Linux-based operating system designed for handheld gaming devices. The video explores the OS's features, its ties to crypto companies, and the controversy surrounding its funding. It also examines the impact of Playtron's funding on open-source projects like Lutris.
13252 2 месяца назад 18:12