This video follows a student at the London School of Economics through a day in their life. The student attends a webinar, meets up with friends, and explores the campus. The day culminates with a night out at a club associated with the university.
4858 3 года назад 8:06This video follows a student working at LSE's Welcome Week during their third year. They show their day, which includes setting up help points for new students, chatting with them, and going for a run with friends. The video ends with the student preparing a simple dinner and heading to bed.
3087 2 года назад 6:23This video features a tour of the London School of Economics campus, where students answer 73 questions about their experiences. The video includes interviews with students from various departments, covering topics like their favorite modules, study spots, and social life. Viewers can expect to learn about the unique aspects of studying at LSE and gain insights into student life.
12777 1 год назад 23:05This video follows a student through their first week of university at the London School of Economics. They navigate strikes, class changes, and a busy schedule while filming their experiences. The student shares their struggles and triumphs, offering a glimpse into the reality of university life.
2519 2 года назад 15:38This vlog takes viewers to London School of Economics with a student. They explore the campus, attend classes, and discuss the workload and flexibility of the program. The student also shares their daily routine and highlights the importance of staying on top of coursework.
17459 2 года назад 7:54