This episode of a travel series takes viewers to Khonama, a village in Nagaland, India, known as Asia's first green village. The episode explores the village's unique culture, including a traditional festival that celebrates peace and brotherhood between neighboring villages. The episode also highlights the village's commitment to sustainability and its beautiful natural surroundings.
52084 5 лет назад 11:35This episode follows a content creator as they explore the beautiful landscapes of Nagaland, starting with a visit to the village of Dzuluke. The episode features stunning scenery, a drone mishap, and a glimpse into the local culture. The creator is joined by friends and a tour guide, who share their experiences and insights into the region.
50916 5 лет назад 11:30The video follows a group of travelers as they explore the beautiful and remote village of Khonoma in Nagaland, India. They experience the local culture by fishing, foraging for vegetables, and interacting with the villagers. The video highlights the simplicity and beauty of life in a rural setting.
83223 5 лет назад 14:00