This video follows a student's first year at Oxford University, focusing on the academic workload, social life, and faith. The student shares their experiences navigating the intense academic environment, finding community, and maintaining their faith while facing challenges.
4612 2 года назад 11:21A student shares their honest experience of their first year at Oxford University, focusing on the academic side. They discuss the challenges of essay writing, the tutorial system, and the intense exam period. The student also reflects on the privilege of attending such a prestigious institution and their desire to give back to those who helped them get there.
8286 7 лет назад 12:10This video compares the speaker's experiences at Oxford and LSE, focusing on career opportunities and corporate culture. The speaker discusses the differences in career services, industry reputation, and student culture between the two universities, highlighting the advantages of each institution for different career paths.
4027 5 лет назад 8:46