This video shows the construction of a LEGO Ninjago Prime Empire city, Terot Technica. The builder creates various minifigures, including Digi Jay, Digi Nya, Digi Cole, and the League of Jay, before building the city itself. The city features a Speedway 5 Billion starting line, a sushi shop, a dance floor, a costume shop, and a League of Jay tower.
431564 8 месяцев назад 8:05This video provides a step-by-step guide on how to prime a canvas for painting. The speaker explains how to prepare the canvas, apply primer, and address imperfections. They also discuss the importance of drying the canvas in natural light to avoid unwanted yellowing.
53028 4 года назад 4:42Voorbereiding ...
15171 6 лет назад 2:16