The video explores whether the original PlayStation VR headset is still worth buying in 2024. The creator discusses the pros and cons of the headset, including its affordability, large game library, and compatibility with PS4 and PS5 consoles. They also highlight the downsides, such as the lower resolution and the need for a separate camera.
16927 4 месяца назад 9:17This video reviews a virtual reality game that lets players experience mundane jobs in a silly way. The game encourages players to experiment with objects and find creative ways to complete tasks, leading to humorous situations. The reviewer suggests that the game is best enjoyed with friends, as it allows for shared laughter and playful interaction.
156525 8 лет назад 1:54This video compares the Meta Quest 3 and PlayStation VR2 headsets, exploring their features, controllers, and game libraries. The video aims to help viewers decide which headset is best for them, considering factors like price, standalone vs. wired capabilities, and the types of games available.
219174 1 год назад 13:51This video compares the PSVR 2 to the original PSVR, highlighting 20 key differences. The video discusses the price, ease of use, resolution, display, field of view, tracking, eye tracking, controllers, haptics, audio, and more. The video also explores whether the upgrade is worth it for current PSVR users.
71500 1 год назад 11:29The video discusses the PlayStation VR2 one year after its release. The creator explores the headset's strengths and weaknesses, including its impressive technology and the lack of big-name games. They also discuss the headset's price point and the importance of finding games that utilize its features.
146653 9 месяцев назад 8:52