This video introduces the Ryu-Ge deck from Crossover Breakers, focusing on its unique summoning mechanics and powerful level 10 monsters. The video explains the deck's core strategy, highlighting the importance of its continuous spells and the various ways to summon its key monsters.
3578 7 дней назад 14:14This video features a player discussing their Snake Eye deck, which they used to achieve first and third place at a recent tournament. The player provides a detailed breakdown of their main deck, extra deck, and side deck, highlighting key cards and strategies.
1339 7 месяцев назад 4:25This video features a deck profile for a pure Memento deck in Yu-Gi-Oh! The creator explains their card choices and reasoning, including why they chose to avoid playing certain popular cards. They also discuss their side deck and how they plan to use it in a local tournament.
1178 9 дней назад 11:32