The video follows a traveler's journey from Jaipur to Pushkar, India. The traveler encounters a beautiful castle, a closed road, and a scenic countryside journey. Upon arriving in Pushkar, they explore the city, visit a holy lake, and receive a blessing from a local Baba.
77867 2 года назад 14:15The video follows a traveler's experience in Pushkar, India, including a desert safari and camel ride. They explore the city, stay in a unique glamping site, and enjoy local cuisine. The video highlights the beauty and cultural richness of the region, showcasing the traveler's excitement for new experiences.
33964 7 лет назад 10:30The video follows a traveler's experience in Pushkar, India, known for its laid-back atmosphere, spiritual significance, and hippie vibe. The traveler explores the town's main road, shops, cafes, and ghats, highlighting the unique sights and sounds of this popular destination.
39871 6 лет назад 11:24