This vlog follows a student on a Semester at Sea program, documenting their daily life aboard the ship. The video includes glimpses of classes, talent shows, dance practices, and meals, as well as a visit to Berlin. The student shares their experiences and struggles with balancing academics, social life, and preparing for upcoming events.
3443 2 года назад 11:12This video follows a student participating in the Semester at Sea Olympics. The video captures the excitement of the opening ceremony, the preparation for events, and the camaraderie among the participants. The student shares their experiences throughout the day, including the scavenger hunt, the mascot reveal, and the closing ceremony.
1526 2 года назад 7:33This video follows a student on the Semester at Sea program as they navigate a typical day on the ship. The day includes classes, lunch, and a visit to the ship's auction, where students bid on various items and experiences. The auction proceeds benefit future Semester at Sea voyagers.
3629 2 года назад 14:41