This video explores the effectiveness of the Gary Yamamoto Senko, particularly when rigged Texas-style. The angler argues that this lure is incredibly versatile and catches fish in various conditions and locations, making it a top choice for bass fishing. The video showcases the Senko's effectiveness in a tough fishing scenario, demonstrating its ability to produce bites when other lures fail.
21053 2 года назад 7:09This video tests the effectiveness of different Senko colors for catching bass. The creator rigs 28 different colors of Senko and fishes with each one, comparing the size of the fish caught. The video highlights the effectiveness of some colors and the surprising winner of the challenge.
40810 1 год назад 1:01This video is a breakdown of the Gary Yamamoto Senko, a popular bass fishing lure. The speaker explains how to rig the Senko for both wacky and Texas rigs, highlighting its versatility and effectiveness in various fishing conditions. They also discuss the importance of the Senko's salt and sand content for its unique action in the water.
3954 3 года назад 3:20