This video takes viewers on a shopping trip to small street markets in South Africa, showcasing designer replica items available for under 1,000 Rand. The video focuses on luxury bags, shoes, and accessories, offering tips on how to spot good quality replicas and navigate the bustling market environment.
5665 1 месяц назад 16:22This video explores the designer replica accessories available at a popular street market. The creator showcases a variety of items, including sunglasses, earrings, bags, and shoes, from brands like Gucci, Burberry, and Loewe. They also offer advice on how to spot differences between replicas and authentic items.
2703 2 месяца назад 11:26The video follows a person's day trip to a cultural center in Johannesburg, South Africa. They vlog their experience, including shopping for clothes and accessories, and share their excitement about the finds. The video ends with a promise to show more of the items in a separate haul video.
19785 4 года назад 14:17