Этот велосипед у меня уже около 4 месяцев, и он мне очень нравится. Несколько изменений тут и там, чтобы сделать его своим ...
22823 3 года назад 14:21The video follows a bike shop owner as they discuss their experience selling new Surly bikes alongside their usual used bike inventory. They explain the challenges they faced with selling new bikes, including lower margins and slower turnover rates, ultimately leading them to decide to focus solely on used bikes.
46667 1 месяц назад 8:11The video features a review of the Surly Moonlander 2.0 fat bike, showcasing its impressive 6.2-inch tires and capabilities on rocky terrain. The reviewer highlights the bike's stability, grip, and ability to handle challenging conditions, emphasizing its suitability for adventure riding and exploring diverse landscapes.
2456 1 месяц назад 19:10The video reviews the Surly Moonlander 2.0, a fat bike with unique features. The reviewer highlights the bike's 24-inch rims with 6.2-inch tires and its use of a Pinion gearbox, which allows for internal shifting. The reviewer took the bike on a trip to a slot canyon in Utah, where they rode it down a river, showcasing the bike's capabilities in challenging terrain.
11840 2 месяца назад 10:23