The video reviews a Red Rock Outdoor Gear survival kit purchased at a Vermont General Store. The reviewer goes through each item in the kit, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses, and suggests upgrades for a more practical survival experience. The reviewer concludes with their overall opinion of the kit, acknowledging its potential but also pointing out areas for improvement.
9395 2 года назад 12:23This video unboxes the Gerber Bear Grylls basic survival kit. The host goes through each item in the kit, including a whistle, nylon rope, fire starter, matches, cotton ball, thread, snare wire, and a small Gerber frame lock knife. The host explains the purpose of each item and how it can be used in a survival situation.
2669 9 месяцев назад 7:37The video reviews two budget survival kits purchased from Amazon for under $20. The reviewer examines each item, highlighting both the pros and cons of the included gear. They also test the durability of some of the items, such as the saws, and offer their opinion on whether the kits are worth the price.
6874 9 месяцев назад 20:08This video unboxes and reviews the Bear Grylls Ultimate Survival Kit, which includes a variety of tools and supplies. The reviewer highlights the kit's features, such as the emergency space blanket, fire starter, and multi-tool, and discusses their potential uses in a survival situation.
28183 9 месяцев назад 14:23The video showcases a $220 survival kit contained within a large tin can. The kit includes a variety of survival essentials, such as a knife, fire starter, compass, fishing kit, and more. The reviewer highlights the kit's compact size and the ease with which it can be packed back into the can.
177668 2 года назад 6:41