The video follows a student as they pack for their third year at the University of Cambridge. They show their packing process, including ironing clothes and organizing belongings. The student also shares their packing list and discusses the challenges of fitting everything into their car.
56446 5 лет назад 7:50This video follows a university student through a busy day. They start with cheer practice, then run errands and prepare a homemade meal. The rest of the day is dedicated to studying, including learning lines for an acting class and preparing for upcoming assessments. The video ends with the student getting ready for a social event.
9836 1 год назад 14:03The video follows a student moving into their third-year university house in Winchester. They share their excitement and anxieties about the move, including the process of packing, meeting new housemates, and settling into their new space. The video also touches on the challenges of adjusting to a new environment and the importance of self-care during a stressful time.
1174 2 года назад 15:15This vlog follows a student through a week of university life, filled with deadlines, lectures, and library time. The student shares their struggles with managing coursework and balancing their social life, while also showcasing their love for beauty products and healthy eating.
2983 4 года назад 16:01This video follows a psychology student through a day at university. They show their study routine, make a pizza for lunch, and go for a walk with a friend. The student also shares their favorite healthy habits, including cold showers and 20-minute workouts.
2044 3 года назад 11:48