This video follows a group of friends as they experiment with a unique cooking method: baking food on hot stones. They gather pebbles, heat them in a microwave, and then use them to cook various seafood dishes. The video highlights the process of preparing the stones and the excitement of trying this unconventional cooking technique.
24263088 4 года назад 9:07A group of friends decide to make a giant hot pot using a two-meter long bamboo tube. They saw the bamboo, punch holes in it, and prepare it for cooking. They gather firewood and prepare a variety of seafood and vegetables for their feast. The video shows the process of preparing the hot pot and the friends enjoying their meal.
21896684 4 года назад 11:00A chef challenges their team to a cooking competition using quail. The teams are tasked with preparing quail in different ways, including stir-fried with tamarind, fried with fish sauce, and grilled with honey. The chef, who recently learned new skills from a master chef in China, judges the dishes and reveals the winning team.
18913755 4 года назад 13:42